
-Just installed this on my iPhone. FourTrack.  Makes it easy to multitrack record, while waiting for the subway (see post re: city hall). A very fun and handy app.
-I’m offering free webhosting to any non-profit/charity that requires it, so feel free to contact me.
-Some new strategic coming for “Upcoming in Interactive – Winter”
-Also, I have heard back from City hall, they wrote a reasoned and clear response, which can be found in the comments for that post. Further to that, I’m excited that Streetcars will be getting GPS, so you’ll be able to look up where each car is at any given time, which should reduce some of the resource allocation problems i mentioned.

As always, feel free to subscribe to my feed—> (rss is on top right)


Fourtrack Interface

The beautiful design pattern cycle completes, when you connect to Wifi. 4T broadcasts a webpage on a secret port displayed on the phone. type the url into your laptop/desktop browser and download the wavs!
