Quick thought: Governments need to listen for creative destruction

Quick thought: While it is true that sharing your wealth is a potential disincentive to earning it, the primary issue of socialism/communist government structures regarding productivity is that it removes the process of creative destruction. More aptly that central planning can stay on a narrative even after that view becomes obsolete. This is most easily … Read more

Random thought: Central banks and foreign owned bonds

Random thought. A foreign nation could become the de facto monetary policy player replacing the ‘central bank’ of a nation just by owning a majority of its bonds This means that when a nation undertakes to lower the interest rate etc. Any open market monetary policy could be undermined, by countering the central banks actions, … Read more

Random: Organ transplant rejection

A potential strategy to avoid or further reduce potential rejection of an organ by a recipient may be to ‘slow’ accumulate the presence of the foreign body into the system over a long period of time.  This could work potentially with both biological and synthetic (plastic and metal) organs. Developing a tolerance to the foreign … Read more

The Good Whale Podcast [some speculation on Keiko]

For those that have not listened, the Good Whale is a podcast about the story of Keiko the Orca, who famously starred in Free Willy. It’s an captivating podcast. They did an amazing job telling the story. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/podcasts/serial-good-whale.html Writing a bit of speculation and opinion here, after listening to the podcast and reading up on … Read more

Quick thoughts on the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto

Lots of people have speculated on the identify of SN. I have a few thoughts on it and thought to list it out here. 1. Working for corporation / government entity who would own the code. I believe SN, was a cryptographic / security expert who was working in a situation, where any work they … Read more

A.I. Versus Other Tech Revolutions

In thinking through other tech revolutions, there is some cause in my opinion to view A.I. slightly differently. While I do not think it is happening quite yet, if A.I. can eclipse the total capabilities of humanity, than it would be replacing labor with capital, in a full substitution. So long as the cost of … Read more

Reddit: Why do people love Inglorious Basterds so much?

My reply posted to a question on Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/s/UHMTjWqhFv Q: Why do people love Inglorious Basterds so much? A: There are many levels and intricacies to this film. The opening scene is certainly one, where you can clearly see multiple levels happening at once. Many other examples exist. Consider but one, the fact that the … Read more

Idea: Theater w aspects of cinema

Idea: a play that combines elements of movies by using live cameras which display on large screens. It’s kind of like sports as well because you don’t remove the live theater aspect, but you also have the ability to see close-ups and more nuanced acting instead of having to project, which is very similar to … Read more

Idea: Canada can attract more tech companies by…

Allowing those companies to choose how they spend their tax dollars.. One main reason why tech companies often go south (or domicile in Ireland) is simply taxation. Very easy to understand. While any company in Canada generally pays more as a share in taxes, which is a deterrent, there may be some companies who would … Read more

Deep Springs College

Deep Springs College This educational institution is one of the only ones that really make sense to me. It only has about 30 students, admitting 10-15 each year. It’s a full scholarship school like Cooper Union. It’s 40 miles from the nearest town. Students spend a portion of their time operating a ranch which sustains … Read more

Moving Forward –> End of an era for alwinian.net 2009-2023

Like an old VHS tape, it looks like the our bespoke wordpress theme, which ran like a well-oiled steam-engine on PHP 7.4 will no longer work with supported versions of PHP 8.x It’s an uncertain future for our bespoke theme based on Gigawatt and will post an image here for posterity.

Music Leadsheet: Heavy on the F’s

Wrote out this groove. Please jam responsibly. Enjoy. PDF Version in concert pitch here: Heavy_on_the_F’s_(Groove) Concert PDF Version in Eb pitch here: Heavy_on_the_F’s_(Groove)_Eb_Version PNGs Below.  

Dogs in the wild: Thoughts on the domestication of our furry friends

Dog at a campfire

This entry is published on Medium. You can find the entry here: https://medium.com/@alwinian/dogs-in-the-wild-b67e9ac95a2e A recent encounter with a bobcat while jogging had me thinking about how we must have domesticated our closest friends, dogs. While we can’t say for certain, deeper thinking about the circumstances can shift the probability in favor of one scenario over … Read more

The philosophy of Boethius

Have just discovered the philosopher Boethius. Spending the night reading about him with many insights and revelations there. 🎓 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boethius

Art is a wasteful endeavor

I realize one thing as I get older, which I did not while young. The pursuit of art, in the kind that becomes a symbol and changes the world, can be a most wasteful endeavor if lost, unused or forgotten. It can occupy the minds, hearts and talents of the brightest and best while giving … Read more

Quote of the Day: Glenn Gould on Beethoven

Food for thought: Glenn Gould on why Beethoven is an admired composer.   Spoken notes before performing Piano Sonata 17 in D minor, op 31. The Tempest Sonata. Broadcast March 19, 1967   “…within every creative person there is an inventor at odds with a museum curator…and most of the startling things that happen in … Read more

Thinking about chess pieces as investments during a game

#Chess Inspired while watching videos about AlphaZero. As a thought experiment, imagine that each piece is an investment, with the potential of certain pieces to be multiple times their initial value. A knight or bishop, normally worth 3 points may in time become +9 points during a game, such as the famous ‘octopus knight’ in … Read more

Jazz Clubs in Manhattan

Bob Egan has written a nice post about the location of jazz clubs in NYC. I’m posting here in case his server quits for posterity. It is amazing how these clubs were really organically the first floors of homes, a few chairs, all beside one another. #history https://www.popspotsnyc.com/jazz_clubs/ Locations of Jazz Clubs in New York … Read more

The Oculus Quest 2 is amazing

…and feels like where we sat at the beginning of smart phone revolution when the iPhone 1-3 were released between 2007-2009. Just the start. Extremely excited for VR, which I believe is the next logical ‘screen’ to arrive at after the supersized OLED phase we are in now. WebXR (which streams immersive experiences) / 360 … Read more

Minimalist – Watch Design

Watch Design - Alwin

Posting some of my other work / experiments in watch design… This is more of a study to learn about the curvature of lugs, bevels etc. Less a work than the learning the process right now.

Strange Loops and the responsibility of Art

One concept that I’m pondering is the act of bringing people along… in the same referential frame. An unfinished idea currently..   In my mind’s eye, I see sort of a drivable bus on a rollercoaster type image. On the bus, what the driver sees is for argument’s sake, exactly what the passenger can see. … Read more

What do you personally think dark matter is? Random guesses

Most people take issue with speaking about things they are not qualified to discuss, but apparently I am lacking this better judgement :) The result of which is just being wrong…  Posting some wild speculations to the Quora question: What do you personally think dark matter is? Alwin: Just finished reading the the book 4% … Read more