Idea: Theater w aspects of cinema

Idea: a play that combines elements of movies by using live cameras which display on large screens. It’s kind of like sports as well because you don’t remove the live theater aspect, but you also have the ability to see close-ups and more nuanced acting instead of having to project, which is very similar to … Read more

Deep Springs College

Deep Springs College This educational institution is one of the only ones that really make sense to me. It only has about 30 students, admitting 10-15 each year. It’s a full scholarship school like Cooper Union. It’s 40 miles from the nearest town. Students spend a portion of their time operating a ranch which sustains … Read more

Music Leadsheet: Heavy on the F’s

Wrote out this groove. Please jam responsibly. Enjoy. PDF Version in concert pitch here: Heavy_on_the_F’s_(Groove) Concert PDF Version in Eb pitch here: Heavy_on_the_F’s_(Groove)_Eb_Version PNGs Below.  

The philosophy of Boethius

Have just discovered the philosopher Boethius. Spending the night reading about him with many insights and revelations there. 🎓

#thoughtoftheday – A commonality between chess and life

It’s interesting to note that in #chess, like life, a player can have ample material but not enough time (tempo) to win or succeed. This is common in a chess game where the player with less material emerges ahead It’s an interesting but not entirely identical feature, shared characteristic between the two. (Chess games have … Read more

This couple from the bus…

It was an honor to stand behind this couple.. they were holding hands the whole time I saw them and clearly loved each other from their simple gestures. Because of their fragility, they navigated the world in a way that made our world seem Barbaric. They were dressed in absolutely pressed and formal clothing, and … Read more

Aim for the Third Frame

I’ve been thinking about the concept of a shared frame of reference as the beginning of all understanding between 2 disagreeing parties. Is agreeing on axioms and shared perceptual frames the only way to start connecting and speaking meaningfully about something usually subjective? Noticing that people usually who speak from a subjective ‘I’/my frame, may … Read more

Updated: New Photo of the Village Vanguard (2018) on Wikipedia

My apologies for the slow uptake on writing, it has been forever and much has changed. Nearing the end of the work-to-live ‘day job epoch’ and hopefully will enter the ‘creative freedom epoch’ within the next couple years. Uploaded another pic of the Village Vanguard to Enjoy!

Seismology and Market Prediction

The phenomena of both earthquakes and the stockmarket. working thesis, the dynamics which make both unpredictable is the same. A buildup and unsustainable unbalancing phase followed by the crash portion. An unlocking. A lot of people would use that analogy as obvious, but take it one step further. Can seismologist just study financial charts as … Read more

Loose Meta: Butterflies and Quantum

-Card games are interesting versions of Wolfram’s cellular automata. Creating complexity from simple rules. -Watching a nova doc about the monarch butterfly / (also reading Walter Isaacson’s biography of Einstein)…. Metamixer. It could be that the observed ‘break’ between quantum and relativistic worlds is similar to the insect versus larger species world. The insects don’t … Read more

The Manhattan Project – Creating Open Source Audio Books

Hi – I wanted to create a project, where:   1. Creatives in NY can collaborate together towards open-source projects. Actors Reading, Writers Writing and Illustrators drawing. Namely creating audio/multimedia children’s books for the public. It will be under the Creative Commons license – attribution, no commercial, no derivative. This ensures that the participants are … Read more

A Trip to Mountain View

In February – I took a trip to Mountain View as a ‘3rd Rounder’ for their recruitment process. Although I didn’t get the position, it was certainly interesting to see the Internet Giant up close (and to a limited extent – to view its day to day operations from within). In preparation for my interview, … Read more

Word of the Day: Fernweh

The French own the great terms of love….the Germans seem to own all the good terms for longing: Fernweh Schadenfreude Sturm und Drang  

Russian Paul, Little Daddy, Junior, Rock and the Gray Lady In my opinion, they missed Rebecca, The Professor, GM William Lombardy, Red, Nate and a few others…..though none – except for Red were full time Hustlers. This is the world down at the Chess Shop (when it was there) and less fun imho… ==>Union Square. The talkative world and world of cigarettes, 2$ blitz … Read more

Brainstorm: QuBits + E-Banking + Summer Movie This was an interesting article, there is a certain meritocracy in people using information more adeptly and cleverly than others, likely in this case the others being gulf banks, with laggard security systems and high networth Emirati accounts. Brainstorm time:: Reading about quantum computing stuff right now ::: we are close but still far … Read more

Triangle + Circle – (Lead Sheet) Original

Have been working on this tune… Thinking about the ‘essence’ of circles versus triangles, in the geometric sense. Related to each other too in some stranger, fundamental way. A circle can be inside a triangle and vice versa, there are trigonometric relationships, Conic Sections,, etc etc… Hope you enjoy.    

Alwin @ SXSW

After several years in Music/Media, I finally made it to the big annual show! South by SouthWest A photo from our Spinner Showcase concert (3.13.2013) at Austin City Limits.

Sneaksend – Blast from the past

Montreal Barcamp

Found an old pic from Montreal Barcamp… Sneaksend was a steganography app which embedded images by appropriating the least significant bits in an octet of an image. For eg. 11110101 and using the last digits (0101) to encode information. Ran on — will have to recreate one day. Sneaksend from guest779445

QOTD – Andy Warhol

Our CEO quoted Andy Warhol today. That is awesome “Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art” -Andy Warhol

New Business Terms

Some new Business terms I would love to insert into the lexicon. Network Value: It’s close to Metcalfe’s law, but basically mentioning that something is valuable greater than the sum of its parts – if and only if – it is connected. Metcalfe’s law is N^2 to the value, where N is users. Dead Man’s … Read more

One of my heroes – John Kenneth Galbraith

Obscure in almost all circles, yet he was one of the most popular influential economists of his day. John Kenneth Galbraith, the Canadian-born American economist.

The Adele Experience

About 2 1/2 years ago, Adele came by work.. Work was VEVO and she sat down to play through her new album. My first impressions of the girl was that she was stout with an extreme cockney accent. She sat down to play some tracks of her new unreleased album. This was ’21’, which became … Read more