Kelly Growth Criterion – WSS

An old article written for Wall Street Survivor reposted here. J.L. Kelly Jr. was a very interesting member of the famed Bell Labs. There is a new book published this year, 2012 about Bell Labs incidentally called: The Idea Factory, by John Gertner. Peguin 2012 | Enjoy! By Alwin Tong, for Wall Street Survivor … Read more

Captcha Hack with Voice to Text

I’ve been using Siri and Text Recognition Programs such as Dragon Dictation. Great Programs. Today, i dictated the telephone number and text message with my phone. 100 other programs exist as stand alone applications. Does this technology make captcha irrelevant now (at least with the listen features). a. hook up voice recognition to any audio … Read more

Van Gogh’s Variations

For anyone that knows me, they know that I am a huge van gogh fan. I learned something about van gogh today which was very moving. His variations seem never to be shown together, ever, one beside the other. Just like all his series: the sunflowers, potato eaters, violets, fields, shoes, etc. all seem to … Read more

Picnic Rhythm Poem

Poem by yours truly – appears as part of Helena Zhang’s A Similar But Different Quality collection of poems. PICNIC RHYTHM public class picnic_rhythm extends c#rhythm { static void Main(string[] args) { danger danger danger danger cup! danger cup! danger danger danger cup! danger cup! danger (>) danger (>) danger (>) danger (>) cup (mf) … Read more

Reflexivity – Relationship of Economic actions to Probablistic effects in QED

George Soros coined the term Reflexivity in the sense which i referring to it. Essentially meaning things are in a constant feedback loop (and more Mandebrotian, than Gaussian). My hunch is that the problem of modelling/predictive problems of Finance/Economics & Quantum Electrodynamics of particles is essentially the same phenomenom. Much like the apple that falls … Read more

facts of life: random

I’ve finally caught up on some reading. Some of the more interesting by-products of today’s deep thoughts and reading are listed below: drone subs: at any given second, we can see drone planes whizzing around, but there must be enumerable drone subs combing the bottom of the sea too. both commercial and military. Looking for … Read more

VEVO App hits #1.

Less than a week into its debut. The VEVO App hit #1 Yesterday and is also the iTunes App of the Week. Availlable here.

Netflix Off-the-beaten track recommends: Unstrung; Art & Copy; Hubble’s Rescue; Sin Nombre

Out of the thousands of videos on Netflix, off the beaten path, i found these and would recommend them to you.  They more or less revolve around my passions: tennis, space, art/business, real-life (ie. the other side of the tracks). Honorary mention should go to Glass (about philip glass), Derrida (about jacques derrida), Word Wars … Read more

Europe Blog

Hello, here is my old european blog from 2006 blogger account days.  thought to post it here so that the 2 are now 1. hasta luego

Valencia I – Saturday, October 21, 2006

I have not even left Spain, and i miss it here already…. for whatever reason, this morning, i thought of the time in 2003 coming back from Hong Kong on the plane in NY, and saw all these American parents who had gone to Chinese orphanages to adopt little girls.. When i was coming back … Read more

Berlin – I , II, and III Berlin III – Monday, October 09, 2006

The day before I left Berlin, I went to Potsdamerplatz to visit the Musik Instrument Museum. Potzdamerplatz represents the latest and greatest in Berlin, and Berliners have many reasons to be proud of it. There is so much amazing architecture in Berlin. Mostly modern. The headquarters of Sony, Deutsche Bahn and Mercedes-Benz, as well as … Read more

Grüsse von München – Saturday, August 26, 2006

Dear people, safe and sound. i arrived Josef Strauss Airport in München on Freitag Morgen, and have been here in Munich ever since. – heard Juan Tonamara (sp?) in polish, while walking across the street, and i think this had just made a tumultous 7 hour flight worthwhile… – I am staying right now at … Read more

arbritrage opportunity in books

For those seriously willing to pursue, there is a mispricing of u.s./cdn marked assets such as books. This leads to a beautiful arbitrage play, for anyone serious enough to do it. If I could source a buyer of canadian books, i would do it in a heartbeat..


For anyone who read my post on why wine was a good investment – June 5, 2009: The Star has posted some pretty similar findings in their investments over the decade review. Ughemm.Ughemm..–it-was-a-decade-of-volatility-for-investors

Here is the double usb mouse concept

That i’ve been holding onto for a long time. It would be simple to implement, with two usb mice. The problem is in the software, as the O/S needs to be reconfigured to either accept 2 input streams or to have the mice logically mapped from a single stream. Many applications would seem to be … Read more


-Just installed this on my iPhone. FourTrack.  Makes it easy to multitrack record, while waiting for the subway (see post re: city hall). A very fun and handy app. -I’m offering free webhosting to any non-profit/charity that requires it, so feel free to contact me. -Some new strategic coming for “Upcoming in Interactive – Winter” … Read more

Musik fun

Almost done moving… 3 moves in 3 months. This will be my new room in August. My friend Peemo (at put these up from his new shiny Ipod3GS. Enjoy :)