Quick thought: Governments need to listen for creative destruction

Quick thought: While it is true that sharing your wealth is a potential disincentive to earning it, the primary issue of socialism/communist government structures regarding productivity is that it removes the process of creative destruction. More aptly that central planning can stay on a narrative even after that view becomes obsolete. This is most easily … Read more

Random thought: Central banks and foreign owned bonds

Random thought. A foreign nation could become the de facto monetary policy player replacing the ‘central bank’ of a nation just by owning a majority of its bonds This means that when a nation undertakes to lower the interest rate etc. Any open market monetary policy could be undermined, by countering the central banks actions, … Read more

Random: Organ transplant rejection

A potential strategy to avoid or further reduce potential rejection of an organ by a recipient may be to ‘slow’ accumulate the presence of the foreign body into the system over a long period of time.  This could work potentially with both biological and synthetic (plastic and metal) organs. Developing a tolerance to the foreign … Read more

A.I. Versus Other Tech Revolutions

In thinking through other tech revolutions, there is some cause in my opinion to view A.I. slightly differently. While I do not think it is happening quite yet, if A.I. can eclipse the total capabilities of humanity, than it would be replacing labor with capital, in a full substitution. So long as the cost of … Read more

Idea: Canada can attract more tech companies by…

Allowing those companies to choose how they spend their tax dollars.. One main reason why tech companies often go south (or domicile in Ireland) is simply taxation. Very easy to understand. While any company in Canada generally pays more as a share in taxes, which is a deterrent, there may be some companies who would … Read more

Deep Springs College

Deep Springs College This educational institution is one of the only ones that really make sense to me. It only has about 30 students, admitting 10-15 each year. It’s a full scholarship school like Cooper Union. It’s 40 miles from the nearest town. Students spend a portion of their time operating a ranch which sustains … Read more

Dogs in the wild: Thoughts on the domestication of our furry friends

Dog at a campfire

This entry is published on Medium. You can find the entry here: https://medium.com/@alwinian/dogs-in-the-wild-b67e9ac95a2e A recent encounter with a bobcat while jogging had me thinking about how we must have domesticated our closest friends, dogs. While we can’t say for certain, deeper thinking about the circumstances can shift the probability in favor of one scenario over … Read more

Thinking about chess pieces as investments during a game

#Chess Inspired while watching videos about AlphaZero. As a thought experiment, imagine that each piece is an investment, with the potential of certain pieces to be multiple times their initial value. A knight or bishop, normally worth 3 points may in time become +9 points during a game, such as the famous ‘octopus knight’ in … Read more

Strange Loops and the responsibility of Art

One concept that I’m pondering is the act of bringing people along… in the same referential frame. An unfinished idea currently..   In my mind’s eye, I see sort of a drivable bus on a rollercoaster type image. On the bus, what the driver sees is for argument’s sake, exactly what the passenger can see. … Read more

What do you personally think dark matter is? Random guesses

Most people take issue with speaking about things they are not qualified to discuss, but apparently I am lacking this better judgement :) The result of which is just being wrong…  Posting some wild speculations to the Quora question: What do you personally think dark matter is? Alwin: Just finished reading the the book 4% … Read more

Intricate geometries on spacetime’s rubber sheet

posted this question on Quora: https://www.quora.com/q/astrophysics1/What-unusual-geometries-on-the-Reimannian-rubber-sheet-of-spacetime-exist-according-to-general-relativity What unusual geometries on the Reimannian ‘rubber sheet‘ of spacetime exist according to general relativity Hello Astrophysicists, a very specific question for you. It seems that the Reimannian ‘rubber sheet’ model of spacetime is useful in describing phenomena that we observe. Some examples below. vanilla gravity: curved spacetime given … Read more

Marriage of Libraries + Bookstores into…

With the decline of both libraries and bookstores. It makes sense to consider that: 1. Lifelong learning and retraining of skills is more important than ever 2. Bookstores often are burdened by bricks and mortar (ie. rent) for an otherwise favorable public good 3. Libraries suffer from low user bases and are becoming obsolete in … Read more

UltraMeta: Life Affirmation

This is an extremely ‘meta’ post about life and happiness. But with that said, perhaps a hard won truth. Without being too ‘abstract’ about it: Above the basics needed, the expression of courage is what brings happiness to life. It is why having kids, or giving to charity, climbing everest or making something beautiful is … Read more

Origins of Intelligence: Humans

It seems very clear to me that the origins of human intelligence was selective pressure, especially at the group level. That unwritten history is likely bloodier than written history seems almost certain. Inter-species warfare created the ever larger brain, much like deer’s antlers or any other tool in a virtuous feedback loop. That is what … Read more

The End In-Store + AntiFragile

Paradigm shifts, Creative destruction, call it what you will. The end of store in America, how can an employee hourly model compete with an online no-rent/no-brick model. Commercial landlords in malls must be scratching their heads as my beloved Barnes & Noble is. What survives will likely be a hybrid -> commission sales based / … Read more

Brainstorm: QuBits + E-Banking + Summer Movie

http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/10/nyregion/eight-charged-in-45-million-global-cyber-bank-thefts.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 This was an interesting article, there is a certain meritocracy in people using information more adeptly and cleverly than others, likely in this case the others being gulf banks, with laggard security systems and high networth Emirati accounts. Brainstorm time:: Reading about quantum computing stuff right now ::: we are close but still far … Read more

Sneaksend – Blast from the past

Montreal Barcamp

Found an old pic from Montreal Barcamp… Sneaksend was a steganography app which embedded images by appropriating the least significant bits in an octet of an image. For eg. 11110101 and using the last digits (0101) to encode information. Ran on Django+Chery.py — will have to recreate one day. Sneaksend from guest779445