Updated: New Photo of the Village Vanguard (2018) on Wikipedia

My apologies for the slow uptake on writing, it has been forever and much has changed. Nearing the end of the work-to-live ‘day job epoch’ and hopefully will enter the ‘creative freedom epoch’ within the next couple years. Uploaded another pic of the Village Vanguard to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Village_Vanguard. Enjoy!

Loose Meta: Butterflies and Quantum

-Card games are interesting versions of Wolfram’s cellular automata. Creating complexity from simple rules. -Watching a nova doc about the monarch butterfly / (also reading Walter Isaacson’s biography of Einstein)…. Metamixer. It could be that the observed ‘break’ between quantum and relativistic worlds is similar to the insect versus larger species world. The insects don’t … Read more

Picnic Rhythm Poem

Poem by yours truly – appears as part of Helena Zhang’s A Similar But Different Quality collection of poems. PICNIC RHYTHM public class picnic_rhythm extends c#rhythm { static void Main(string[] args) { danger danger danger danger cup! danger cup! danger danger danger cup! danger cup! danger (>) danger (>) danger (>) danger (>) cup (mf) … Read more

Upcoming in Interactive

Hello All, I ‘ve just published an article called “Upcoming in Interactive” which details 7 disruptive trends and technologies at Bloor Media Group. the website is site www.bloormedia.com , the article post is here.  Thanks! http://bloormedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/bloor_media_upcoming_in_interactive_report_6-17-09.pdf